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THWS Delegation paves the way to the Campus GATE

07.26.2023  | 

In July, the President of the THWS, Prof. Dr. Robert Grebner, professors from the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, as well as staff from the University International Service went on an exciting delegation trip to Jordan.

Photo by: Hartung, Korder, Wagner

Photo by: Hartung, Korder, Wagner

Photo by: Hartung, Korder, Wagner

In July, the President of the THWS, Prof. Dr. Robert Grebner, professors from the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, as well as staff from the University International Service went on an exciting delegation trip to Jordan. The country of 11 million inhabitants is considered a stable anchor in a conflict-ridden region. Education and international networking play a special role here. The THWS has been cooperating with the German Jordanian University (GJU) in Amman since 2008: Following the example of German universities of applied sciences, the students there receive a particularly practical education. A characteristic feature is the connection to Germany, which is established through intensive language courses and a compulsory year in Germany consisting of a semester abroad and an internship.  

The Campus GATE Jordan project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the German Academic Exchange Service, will further strengthen the cooperation between the GJU and the THWS. At the core of this innovative project are two degree programmes that begin as hosted programmes at the GJU and end with a German university degree at the THWS. This opens up access to the German labour market in a special way. Students can choose between the degree programmes Social Work (Transnational) and Hydrogen Technology (Transnational) and work in Germany as well as Jordan and the Arab region after graduation.  

Intensive discussions were held on this topic during the 5-day delegation trip. Questions included how the students from Jordan can be optimally prepared for their time in Germany and how the content of their studies will relate to both regions. There were also lively discussions about the form of cooperation between the teaching staff at the GJU and the THWS. The delegation was also able to get an impression of the GJU's modern campus, its teaching methods and research activities, and also got to talk to students. A special highlight was the farewell ceremony for the students who were leaving for their year in Germany, as well as the official start for the hosted programmes, during which President Prof. Dr. Robert Grebner together with GJU President Prof. Ala'aldeen Al-Halhouli ceremoniously opened the Campus GATE Jordan.

In addition to the productive exchange at the official level, the THWS representatives were also able to get to know the country better from a cultural perspective. They visited the Amman Citadel, an archaeological site in the centre of the capital, and the Roman amphitheatre. A special highlight was an excursion to the rock city of Petra, which is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site and makes Jordan's history come alive. Last but not least, Jordan also showed its best side from a host and culinary perspective: the THWS representatives tried various delicacies typical of the country, among other things.

The delegation trip to Jordan helped deepen the partnership between THWS and GJU and prepare for the start of the hosted programmes in October. The intercultural exchange was just as important as the coordination talks within the framework of the project. Offering more degree programmes as hosted programmes, opening up the existing degree programmes to exchange students from the THWS and a return visit by GJU representatives to Würzburg are being planned for next year.