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Enjoy what students said

Student statements often reflect the true essence of their educational experience. Their words are insights into individual goals, challenges and successes. Their stories not only tell of academic knowledge, personal growth and the development of their identity - but especially of the successes of our Campus GATE.

"Hallo zusammen, my name is Mahmoud Alsaify, I'm 18 years old. I'm a new student in the hydrogen engineering programme here at GJU in partnership with THWS. I'm actually really into energy engineering, so this programme is a great opportunity, also because I have been interested in studying in Germany for a long time. I saw this programme here at GJU, the partnership with THWS University, so that’s why I'm excited and have this joy inside of me to start something I really like!” 

Mahmoud Alsaify, Student
Hosted Programme “Hydrogen Engineering (Transnational)”

"My name is Ahmad, I’m 17 years old and I chose Hydrogen Engineering because I think it’s the future of energy production. It seems like a lovely degree so far. I'm excited to learn the German language. I actually learnt a little bit at school, but I'm looking forward to expanding my knowledge and also to know about energy production more. So far, so good, looking forward to the future!”

Ahmad Alkhawaja, Student
Hosted Programme “Hydrogen Engineering (Transnational)”

"My experience at the German Jordanian University, particularly within the Social Work Department: As one of the inaugural graduates of the department, I can attest to the exceptional quality of education and support provided. My time at GJU not only fostered my passion for social work but also propelled me into launching my academic career within the university.

The Social Work Department at GJU is truly unique in Jordan, offering a comprehensive curriculum and opportunities for collaboration that are unparalleled. I strongly believe that individuals interested in making a meaningful impact in society should consider joining and collaborating with this department.

Moreover, the program at GJU is exceptional in its own right, offering a distinctive educational experience that opens doors to countless opportunities. Whether in Jordan or Germany, graduates of this program are equipped with the knowledge and experience to thrive in the workforce and contribute positively to their communities. Join me in embracing this enriching journey at the German Jordanian University's Social Work Department, where passion meets purpose, theory meets practice and opportunities abound."

Farah Alhamouri, Part-time Instructor at GJU in the Social Work Department
Hosted Programme “Bachelor Social Work (Transnational)”