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Get to know international student life and become part of the global work force

THWS in cooperation with GJU offers transnational bachelor's degree programmes taught in Jordan and Germany in order to achieve the ability to act independently and professionally in the various disciplinary fields.

Experience the added values

Cultural diversity

Cultural diversity is invaluable because it enriches every aspect of life. In a globalised world, encountering different cultures brings many advantages. It not only promotes a deeper understanding of different lifestyles, values and traditions, but also the development of tolerance, empathy and intercultural communication skills.

Learning to appreciate and to handle cultural diversity prepares you for working in an international team and environment.

Language competence


The ability to express yourself clearly and effectively in multiple languages opens numerous doors both professionally and personally.

In the business world, it enables access to international markets, promotes intercultural exchange and strengthens collaboration in global teams.

On a personal level, linguistic competences facilitate communication with people from different backgrounds, promote understanding and respect for different cultures and create the basis for enriching intercultural experiences.

Personal development

International studies play a crucial role in personal development by providing a variety of experiences and challenges that promote individual growth. Contact with different cultures, ways of thinking and lifestyles broadens your horizons and encourages deeper self-reflection. Overcoming cultural differences and adapting to new environments strengthens adaptability, flexibility and resilience. Building relationships with people from all over the world promotes intercultural communication skills and strengthens understanding of global connections. Studying internationally not only offers academic insights, but also shapes a versatile personality that is open to new ideas, tolerant of diversity and ready for challenges.

Studying abroad is a transformative journey that not only imparts academic knowledge, but also develops independence and self-confidence in a unique way. Students who choose to study abroad face new challenges, foreign environments and cultural differences. In overcoming these challenges, they develop a remarkable independence, learning to make decisions independently and navigating different contexts. At the same time, overcoming language and cultural barriers strengthens self-confidence. The ability to operate successfully in an international environment shapes a self-confident personality that is open to diversity and ready to assert itself in various global contexts. The independence and self-confidence gained are not only invaluable during their studies, but also accompany graduates throughout their lives and contribute to a fulfilled and self-determined life.

You get to know and appreciate Germany

Choosing to study in Germany offers not only a first-class academic experience, but also a wealth of fascinating opportunities to get to know the country and its culture. The THWS is characterised by excellent teaching quality and research opportunities that offer a sound academic basis. At the same time, studying in Germany enables you to engage intensively with the country's rich culture, history and way of life.

Getting to know Germany opens the door for students to one of the economically strongest nations worldwide. Internships and cooperation opportunities with renowned companies offer insights into the German working world and enhance career prospects. German efficiency and thoroughness are reflected not only in the world of work but also in everyday life, and these principles become valuable life skills.

In addition, Germany offers an impressive cultural diversity, from historic cities to picturesque landscapes. Meeting people from different backgrounds broadens your horizons and promotes global understanding. Germany's central location in Europe also makes it easy to travel to other fascinating countries.

Overall, studying in Germany offers not only a high quality education, but also the chance to experience a unique combination of cultural depth, professional opportunities and personal development.