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Get to know the German study system

Get to know important facts about how your academic life will be structured and graded when you enrol for a German Bachelor's degree. We will explain important concepts that you need to be familiar with so that you can concentrate on your school work and make the most of all your classes without having to worry about how the system works. Please note that this does not apply to the first semesters of the pre-year, since they are offered by the GJU and, thus, follow the Jordanian study structure. This information will be helpful for you once you enter the German degree programme, after successfully completing the pre-year.

ECTS credits

In Germany, the student workload is measured using ECTS credit points (European standard) instead of Credit Hours (CH) as at GJU. ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credit points indicate the amount of work required to complete a programme of study or a module within a programme of study (contact hours, self-study, preparation for the exam, writing the exam). ECTS creditpoints indicate only the amount of work required, not the grade.

1 ECTS corresponds to the average expected student workload of 30 hours

You can find the ECTS points you receive for each module in the module handbook

German grading system

The grading scheme in Germany usually comprises five levels (with numerical equivalents; intermediate grades may be given): “sehr Gut” (1) = very good; “gut” (2) = good; “befriedigend” (3) = satisfactory; “ausreichend” (4) = sufficient; “nicht ausreichend” (5) = non-sufficient/fail.

The minimum passing grade is “Ausreichend” (4) = sufficient.


Typically, a module is a set of courses on a specific topic; sometimes it is only one course. To complete a module and get your module credits and grade, you have to accomplish all courses belonging to the module. The grade of the module will consist of different percentages of the grades obtained in the different courses composing the module. The specificities will be explained by the professor or professors of each module. 

General Information

Here you will find the links to general information on how to prepare for your study stay in Germany. Please note that there might be some specificities with regards to the hosted programmes, feel free to contact us at any time to get specific information about your case.