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Investing in your future

Our tuition fees play an essential role in ensuring the financial sustainability of our educational programmes. The income allows us to retain qualified teaching staff, provide modern learning resources and maintain high standards of teaching.

Note that the fee schemes of for the pre-year (paid to GJU) and the degree programme (paid to THWS) differ according to the applicable national and institutional regulations.

We strive to keep fees as low as possible and there are a variety of financing options available. Please contact us if you have any questions about financing.

In the end, it is an investment in your future. The degree serves you with high employability and a perspective for a decent income and, thus, a return of invest.

Fee overview including the pre-year

Fee overview without the pre-year

All fees which have to be paid to the German Jordanian University (GJU) are calculated in Jordanian Dinar (JOD). Fees for the THWS are calculated in Euro (€ or EUR), the main currency of the European Union (EU).