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Listen to our latest podcast episode!

THWS Students from the B.A. Media Management have created this amazing podcast where they will be interviewing professors, students and professionals from the fields of Social Work and Hydrogen Engineering in order to get to know better the hosted programmes and the infinite amazing international opportunities you will have access to after graduation! Do not miss out!

Episodes will be posted on a weekly basis, stay tuned!

Meet the podcasters

Get to know Lisa Metzger, Emilia Jörg, Anna-Theresia Stahl and Elena Götz, the podcasters behind the amazing episodes you will be listening to!

Episode 1: Discover the THWS Campus GATE

Listen to the first episode of our podcast where Lisa Metzger will introduce you to the THWS Campus GATE. But she will not do it alone! Through a very interesting interview with Prof. Dr. Achim Förster you will get a deeper insight into the innovative transnational study opportunities offered by THWS in collaboration with GJU and all the doors that a German degree can open for you!

Click on the picture to listen to episode 1 of the Campus GATE podcast!

Stay tuned for more episodes!

Episode 2: Studying at THWS and GJU

Listen to our second podcast episode and discover what it is like to study in Jordan and Germany! In this episode, you will learn more about what your student life could be like at the GJU and the THWS! Lisa Metzger will be sharing exciting facts about both universities and Germany, to get a broader picture of the country. She will also be interviewing Omar AlMasri, a Jordanian student who is currently studying at THWS in Würzburg. He will be talking about his experiences abroad, the differences he notices, and the amazing opportunities this adventure has opened up. You will also listen to Anna-Theresia Stahl's interview with Iris Wildfeuer, from the Campus GATE team at GJU, who will talk about important facts about the Hosted Programmes and the opportunities they open up for your future.

Click on the pictures to enjoy the second episode!

Stay tuned for following episodes!


Episode 3: Discovering social work at THWS

Have you ever wondered how social work can make a difference in society? In this episode, Elena Götz takes a deep dive into the multiple opportunities that a social work degree can open up for you. Through an interview, Professor Vera Taube from the THWS gives many insights into how the social work programme is structured and why this discipline has a crucial role to play in light of current social developments worldwide. Throughout this exciting episode, you will get a better idea of what it is like to be a professional social worker and perhaps dispel some of the myths about the discipline. Discover the highly practical approach and the strong connection with practitioners working in the field by signing up for the programme!

Click on the picture to listen to the third episode!

Stay tuned for more episodes!

Episode 4: Social work in the working environment

Get ready to join us on an amazing journey to learn more about why social workers are key agents of change. Elena Götz will guide you through today's episode and share exciting facts about what your career as a social work professional could look like. You will dive deep into this amazing topic through two interviews. The first guest is Professor Dr. Ralf Roßkopf, who was the German Vice-President at GJU for three years and lived in Jordan. In the interview, he will highlight the needs that this transnational social work programme aims to meet from both a Jordanian and a German perspective, and how this innovative study opportunity differs from other social work degrees in the region. He also highlights the amazing job opportunities available to social work graduates in an international job market. The second guest interviewed by Anna-Theresia Stahl is Dr. Aghadeer Jweihan from the Princess Taghreed Institute in Jordan. She will give you some insights into how the social work profession is developing in Jordan and what new opportunities are opening up in the region. She will also share her impressions of the innovative study opportunity offered by the Campus GATE to study social work and gain transnational experience. 

Do not miss today's episode with the voices of experts in the field of social work. Click on the pictures to listen to the podcast.

Stay tuned for the following episodes!


Episode 5: Hydrogen Engineering meets economy

Why is hydrogen engineering the job of the future? Listen to today's episode as Emilia Jörg tells you more about this exciting field! In an interview with Professor Dr. Arnulf Hörnagl from THWS, you will find out why this innovative field is so important for the future and what excellent career opportunities await you if you choose to study hydrogen engineering. Anna-Theresia Stahl interviews Hanna Zaghoul, CEO of one of the largest energy companies in Jordan. He will share his insights on the development of hydrogen in the current global market and the great opportunities that graduating with a German degree offers you to start a successful international career. In order to stop climate change from getting worse and reduce CO2 emissions, well-trained and motivated people are needed in the field of hydrogen engineering. Do you want to be part of this change? Apply for our programme!

Do not miss today's episode with the voices of experts in the field of hydrogen technology and engineering. Click on the images to listen to the podcast episode.

Stay tuned for the last episode next week!


Episode 6: Studying across borders and cultures

Have you ever wondered how immersing yourself in a new culture can change the way you see the world? In today's episode, Emilia Jörg will introduce you to the linguistic and cultural dimensions of studying abroad! In an interview conducted by Anna-Theresia Stahl, you will meet Jaqueline Rogler, who is currently living in Jordan but has had many international experiences! Are you ready to learn more about Germany, the cultural differences and similarities between Germany and Jordan, and the German language courses offered at GJU to prepare you for your transition to Germany? Don't miss this final episode and discover the amazing benefits of studying abroad! 

Click on the picture to listen to the last episode!

Thank you for joining us in this adventure and listen to the episodes of this podcast! Now that you know more about the Campus GATE, we hope to meet you soon as a student of one of the hosted programmes!